Saturday, November 24, 2007

Revelations of the "True Solar Zodiac"-- Are We All Wrong?!

The current Solar Zodiac we use is terribly out-dated. It was popularized by Ptolemy, classical Greece's most prominent astrologer/astronomer (remember, the two were once one science) thousands of years ago, and hasn't taken into account the fact that every 70 years or so, the astrological calendar advances one full day, and the stars shift position in the night sky as we observe it here on Earth. This is commonly known as "The movement of the Ages". It happens by seemingly infinitesimal degrees, but the cumulative affect on the sky as we see it is very real indeed.

In case you're wondering, everything in astrology is calculated and presented this way-- the celestial lay of the land and planetary transits as they appear from our Earth-bound vantage point. With this in mind, what could be more fundamentally important than the accuracy of the actual map of the stars we use? Everything, astrologically speaking, depends on it so completely!!!

Remember, since they were originaly published around A.D 150, Ptolemy's celestial theories and calculations have been updated, disproven, etc (remember this is the man who staunchly believed the Sun revolved around the Earth). However, astrology's calendar hasn't changed one iota.


Skeptics say it's because astrology is rooted in superstition, not science. In this respect, I actually agree.

If we take into account the aforementioned "Movement of the Ages", the Zodiac's true calendar would include the constellation of Ophiuchus, omitted from the Zodiac by Ptolemy and neglected ever-after for the sake of tradition and convenience. The only "Sun Sign" not included in our current Zodiac, Ophiuchus's span is currently assigned to Scorpio (whose constellation only contains the Sun for 7 days, otherwise!) so we have an astrological calendar of 12 months to neatly match the Gregorian one we use. I'll talk about Ophiuchus in more detail soon. I'm including it here, in the True Solar Zodiac most famously proposed by Dr. Shepherd Simpson:

Pisces: March 12-April 18
Aries: April 19- May 13
Taurus: May 14- June 19
Gemini: June 20- July 20
Cancer: July 21- August 9
Leo: August 10- September 15
Virgo: September 16- October 30
Libra: October 31- November 22
Scorpio: November 23-November 29
Ophiuchus:November 30- December 17
Sagittarius: December 18- January 18
Capricorn: January 19- February 15
Aquarius: February 16-March 11

Kind of mind-blowing, isn't it? By this calendar, the vast majority of us believe ourselves to be natives of the wrong sign. Astrologers are either none the wiser, in disagreement, or intentionally turning a blind eye to the possibilities proposed by such a radically amended 13-house system and amended astrological calendar. Frankly, I'm still figuring it all out.

Food for thought, isn't it?



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