Monday, October 29, 2007

The seductive Scorpio man, explained.

Ah, Scorpio.

A Gemini man may amuse you with child-like charm and a Libra may gracefully disarm you, but Scorpio is, hands down, the Zodiac's most irresistible sorcerer of seduction. Scorpio men invariably perceive the strengths and insecurities people keep hidden, which makes a lot of sense since Pluto, their ruling planet, is named for the Roman God of Hades or the Underworld. The unseen is their native territory. Therefore, the classic myth that best reflects the ideal Scorpio love story is "The Abduction of Persephone", in which Pluto plays a leading role (forgive me for mixing the Gods' Greek and Roman names, I'm just using the astrologically relevant choices).

It goes like this:

Persephone, the young goddess of springtime, played innocently in the meadows all day, leading a life of purity and sweetness unrivaled by any other Divine being in the pantheon. She planned on maintaining her status as a virgin goddess like her sisters Athena and Artemis; to live peacefully with her mother Demeter forever was her only wish. However, Zeus and Venus conspired to make Pluto, a bachelor intensely devoted only to his dark dominion, fall passionately in love with Persephone. He snared her with a particularly beautiful flower and secretly caried her off against her will, seducing her with his power, wealth and influence in his sphere, which, hidden though it was, comprised a third of the world. She became his wife and prisoner until her mother raised such a fuss that Persephone had to be sent back, lest Demeter (Goddess of the harvest) trap the earth in perpetual winter. Before he released her, Pluto used all his hypnotic charm to induce her to eat the seeds of a pomegranate, thereby insuring her return. Whether she knew eating them would bind her to him is a matter of debate, but the end result was that she was irrevocably forced to return to him 3 months a year, forever. While Demeter grieves during her absence the earth experiences the barren season of winter, and Persephone's joyful return heralds spring. What she does during those months spent alone with Pluto in that velvety darkness is, however, is anyone's guess.

If this story makes your heart beat wildly, you can successfully love a Scorpio man. If it freaks you out, look elsewhere. Another fictitious, ideal Scorpio man is Edward Rochester, the tortured, intense lover of Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte's classic novel. His Scorpio view of morality is very evident is this passage:

"Since happiness is irrevocably denied me, I have a right to get pleasure out of life: and I will get it, cost what it may.”

“Then you will degenerate still more, sir.”

“Possibly: yet why should I, if I can get sweet, fresh pleasure? And I may get it as sweet and fresh as the wild honey the bee gathers on the moor.”

“It will sting—it will taste bitter, sir.”

“How do you know?—you never tried it."

Later, on their ill-fated wedding day:

"My hand was held by a grasp of iron: I was hurried along by a stride I could hardly follow; and to look at Mr. Rochester’s face was to feel that not a second of delay would be tolerated for any purpose. I wonder what other bridegroom ever looked as he did—so bent up to a purpose, so grimly resolute: or who, under such steadfast brows, ever revealed such flaming and flashing eyes."

Scorpio power is invariably like a clenched fist. Psychological brass knuckles may be involved (the Scorpio man believes in vegeance and planning ahead), but he'll never strike wildly. Remember that if you're foolishly thinking of toying with the affections of one of these formidable men.

If he's seducing you, he'll never show his hand too early in your passion play. He'll penetrate your soul with his mesmerizing gaze and make you believe anything he says. Is it true? Well, that's for him to know and you to never find out, if he has anything to say about it. However, if you enjoy being intimately aquainted with a passonate lover who keeps you guessing forever, Scorpio is your man. Just don't be surprised if he guesses all of *your* secrets. It's his specialty.



Aries and Cancer Alert! Act Now!

If you're an Aries, you've probably been getting your house in order, literally, since early in the month. Moving furniture for yourself or your extended family, getting the domestic finances in order and helping your parents out as much as possible has most likely been the order of the day, every day, for you Aries natives. This is because Mars, your fiery ruling planet, has been in Cancer, illuminating your 4th house of domesticity and family and inspiring you to TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS and clean house in every possible way.

If you're a Cancer, chances are you've been focusing on partnerships all month long. Whether you've become half of a dynamic duo in a business venture (especially if its a family affair) or intimate relationship, you've been pouring your heart and soul into forming or solidifying a strong alliance. If you've been actively extending an olive branch, your efforts have been bearing fruit and you've been appreciated for you suave diplomacy. Mars has been beaming its powerhouse energy onto you and you've been bouncing off the walls, and lucky you, you'll have Mars in your sign until next May, while most of us only enjoy its direct effect for 2 weeks, every other year.

Well, all of this is about to slow down. Here's why:

Mars, the soldier planet of outward action that inspires all of us to DO EVERYTHING WE CAN RIGHT! NOW! is about to go retrograde in crabby Cancer. This means if you are an Aries or Cancer (or a fellow Cardinal sign of Capricorn or Libra) you have until November 15th to put those wheels in motion before getting started becomes a little bit more difficult (or if you're a double Aries like me, a LOT more difficult). Get to it this very second! Be advised: during the retrograde period, which will last until January 30th, you'll feel like riding things out rather than struggling mightily to roll the stone of your ambition uphill both ways, cause that's what it will feel like to get new pet projects going. The major upswing is you'll gain the insight to shed your old mode of being and doing. You'll have a whole new game plan in February, and you'll be stronger than ever.

So don't view this retrograde as a bad thing-- just remember every aspect of nature is cyclical, and that goes for the stars, too. You can't avoid or will away a season of retrograde, so it's best to view it as an ebb and flow situation. High tide will come again, don't worry! Think of it this way: bears need to hibernate, and the last thing they do is waste valuable preparation time railing against the coming winter. Bears know springtime will come, and with it an awakening. Without a period of hibernation, bears wouldn't survive, and they take it as a matter of course. In our hearts, we humans know there are times we also need to be still and go underground. Use your energy wisely and obey those instincts and you'll be top shape when Mars goes direct.



Saturday, October 27, 2007

Scorpio Profile: Owen Wilson-- Secrets, Lies and Pride before Regeneration

Owen Wilson is a Scorpio. We all knew he was suicidal and into hard drugs, right? Of course not. No true Scorpio ever let his closest family and friends, let alone the uncomfortably curious public, into the inner sanctum of his private world, especially if his secrets could be used against him (and rest assured, almost every secret a Scorpio hides is of the damning variety, at least in his or her mind). To keep you guessing in all the wrong directions is the Scorpion's creed, and they usually succeed in doing it to everyone they know.

Do you suspect a married Scorpio man in your office is secretly a wicked sexual libertine with a thousand mistresses? Well, maybe he has a checkered past (Most Scorpios do), but these days he's a family man who never cheats. If your assumption is desperately wrong, rest assured it's his deliberate doing, and he would indeed be very angry if you bust him for trying to slyly play a tormented Casonova for the crowd. Scorpios hate being found out, and woe betide the one who reveals them. They like to show you a carefully-constructed, affable, charismatic outer shell and closely guard their true talents, loves and motivations. After all, Scorpio rules the 8th house of secrets, intimacy, regeneration and attachment and consequently every native of this sign is especially well-versed in these areas, especially when it comes to manipulating others' perceptions. Moreso than those born under any other sign, Scorpios can throw you off the scent of their true selves. It's their gift and curse.

It's the same for Wilson, who never reveals a detail worth remembering about the process behind his brilliant screenwriting or shares a shred of insight about how he manages to infuse his most brilliant characters with unexpected emotional depth and vulnerability. Is he a method actor? Nobody seems to know, or even ask anymore. Instead, he shows us his playful- playboy “Butterscotch Stallion” persona, rarely speaking louder than his shaggy blonde haircut and California tan. However, his recent suicidal breakdown and rehab stint have shown a side of him his secretive Scorpio self never intended the masses to see. The house of cards his pride created through perpetuating such a goofy persona disconnected from his authentic self is part nature-- his Scorpio need to hide his true identity-- and nurture-- the Hollywood machine and its stress on perfection. This kind of schism is what happens when we let ourselves run rampant trying to manipulate ourselves, or circumstances and our neighbors and forget who we really are-- it's a common problem taken to extremes as only a Scorpio can.

Luckily, Scorpios have the rare ability to rise like Phoenixes from the ashes, stronger and more willful than ever. Let's hope this is the case with Owen Wilson, and that he will permanently retire his out-worn Peter Pan at the Playboy mansion persona and show us more outward evidence of the intelligent, gifted actor and writer we've glimpsed in his finest work. After all, that Scorpio intensity is a powerful force of nature that can't be subdued for long.



PS I didn't write this to further shine a negative light on Owen Wilson. Rather, I used him as a valuable astrological example without an ounce of malicious intent. God bless.

Sun in Scorpio-- We like it, they don't, but oh how delicious it is...

The Sun brings warmth and illumination and, in the land of astrology, when we say the Sun is “in” a particular sign, it guarantees that a spotlight of sorts will shine on those born under it. Most of us truly enjoy this special limelight for our birthday month (pssst! Don't tell the Leos; since they're ruled by the Sun, they like to think they're ALWAYS the center of the universe!). Since everyone else in our world temporarily adopts at least a modicum of our sign's characteristics during this time, it's easier to stay on the same page-- communication is a bit easier when everyone's speaking your language, after all. This creates a sense of well-being for most of us, and we feel at ease, unusually connected with others and generally exuberant while it lasts.

Not so with Scorpios.

The province of Scorpios is the unseen world. They are power-players who usually pull the strings behind the scenes and it makes them very uncomfortable to have all eyes on them-- after all, they're the ones who like to covertly evaluate us with their eagle-eyed powers of perception, not the other way around. Indeed, any Scorpios worth their salt find it intolerable to have the tables turned on them in any situation, and in this astrological month of their birth (October 24th- November 22nd) it happens fairly frequently, inciting that infamous verbal Scorpion sting or even a temporary emotional withdrawal from the world.

These few weeks a year are, in fact, the only time most of us get a taste of that eerie intuition that gives every Scorpio a touch of ESP when it comes to divining all the secrets we can't seem to hide from them. Needless to say, they all really hate having their special power co-opted by the masses. As much as they like to bestow their favor and influence generously, (albeit very selectively) it's an indisputable fact that a Scorpion NEVER shares, or-- in direst circumstances, God help us all-- surrenders a single secret willingly.

Indeed, control over self and others is the name of the game for Scorpios, and they manage to stock-pile an arsenal of shocking, juicy secrets about everyone they know. Ever notice how many questions a sweet female Scorpio asks you, or just how much personal information the intense gaze of a male Scorpion extracts from your mesmerized and suddenly-willing to-spill lips? Don't ever expect them to return the favor of full-disclosure, though. When you ask questions, they will stare you down, intimidate you or disarm you with charm and steer the conversation back to you-- rest assured, they will never reveal anything they consider really damning. Their past is a walled garden with only one key: their memory. All the rest of the evidence has probably disappeared or been willfully obscured.

Don't mistake this suave stone-walling for the same variety of emotional escape-artistry as Gemini; unlike Geminis, who hate to be cornered and, in return, refuse to pin anyone else like a butterfly on a wheel, Scorpios glory in being able to tie others up and completely penetrate them. Scorpios treat everyone in their sphere this way, and lovers even more so. Similar to Aries, you say? A little, but an Aries aims for your heart and, like a child with a new toy, lets you go quickly after he or she gets bored. However, A Scorpio's target is your soul and, ready or not, likes to go slowly and never let up. In fact, a Scorpio is, by nature, unable and unwilling to let you get off easily. Don't forget this fact the next time you agree to date a Scorpio or work for one!

So, until November 22nd, enjoy the temporary acquisition of these powers if you're not a Scorpio by birth and, if you are, don't worry-- in just a few weeks we'll be spilling our secrets again for your pleasure.



Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: Sexy, Sarcastic and Confusing

Since October 11, Mercury, the planet of communication, has taken a retrograde tour through Scorpio, the sign of transformation, power, sex, secrets, lies and everything else that's deep, dark, velvety, and sinister, lingering just below society's surface. So what does this mean for those of us here on earth? Although we are experiencing the requisite bizarre problems with cell phones, computers and travel plans that come with every Mercury retrograde, the issue goes much deeper during this cycle in Scorpio (after all, superficiality can't exist under the influence of Scorpio-- it's all about penetration). Until October 23, when Mercury retrogrades back into luxurious Libra, everyone is bound to take a much closer look at their surroundings and relationships and start asking some very probing questions. Like a film noir detective with a tortured past, Scorpio never overrules impure motives at the outset of one of an investigation because of a keen awareness that human nature can be very dark indeed.

You might be tempted to lash out sarcastically or ruthlessly with a verbal or written Scorpion-sting, but beware! Not only is it a bad idea karmically, but you could very well be working with some bad information or a last-minute change in plans. Draw as many conclusions as you like, but don't act on them until after November 1st, when the Mercury goes direct and the tension and technical snafus will ease. No astrological event exists in a vacuum, so remember that we're going to get a slight dose of diplomacy from the Sun's placement in master mediator Libra until the 23rd of October. If you're a Leo, Taurus, Aquarius or Scorpio, however, you'll probably be feeling the effects of this Mercury retrograde quite intensely.

Aries: Since Scorpio rules your 8th house of intrigue, ruthlessness and sex appeal, your inner Pollyanna is definitely going to be on hiatus. You won't be chirping and cheerful, so, for now, be open to occasionally expressing yourself in the cynical, sexy way the other half communicates. Just make sure you don't get carried away if and when a few intense curve-balls come your way, or issues get cloudy. Practice speaking like a femme fatale or channel your inner sexy Spartan (remember, Gerard Butler is a Scorpio).

Taurus: You might find yourself suspiciously analyzing your romantic relationship or business partnerships. Let the emotions stay in the evaluation stage (think, feel, don't talk!!!) till Mercury goes direct on November 17 to take any action. You might receive some conflicting or unexpected information about a joint venture, so wait till that date to sign any contracts or legally binding documents-- THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!

Gemini: There could be some wires crossed when it comes to talking or writing (an oh-so Gemini occupation or hobby) about service, health and planning. You might be tempted to take an uncharacteristically caustic, cynical tone more than once this month, most likely motivated by some snarl-ups which appear from nowhere in your work schedule or fitness routine. Installing new software might be a problem, too, so wait till November 17 to buy it or install it. Take the opportunity to re-evaluate the way you organize your life.

Cancer: You'll be turning an intensely introspective inner light on your ego until October 23rd, Cancer. You might encounter weird snafus in communication that hamper your self-expression or make you seem foolish, so avoid the tendency to talk like a snide power-player or be condescending. Keep your artistic endeavors running as efficiently as possible, and allow some room for error or last-minute changes. Send those promotional emails about your show very carefully, and check to make sure they get through.

Leo: Don't be mean or snappish to your mom or other family members. Don't keep secrets, and don't automatically assume anyone is deliberately hiding things from you. There's going to be some intense communication, and you may draw some erroneous conclusions from an e-mail, brief conversation or voicemail. Don't be hasty!!! If you need to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone, do it after November 17, and just think things over as logically as possible until then. Check that thirst for vengeance!

Virgo: Your capacity for light-hearted chit-chat seems to be gone till October 23, so take a deep breath and enjoy the increased intensity in your everyday conversations. Don't fly off the handle if your phone, pager or IM goes on the blink unexpectedly-- have a few back-up plans for those important instances when any mechanical error will seem particularly fatal. You might find yourself getting or giving some bad or unexpected information, especially when a brother, sister or school-related topic arises. Listen carefully before you speak!!!

Libra: If you're building anything or doing some home improvement, double-and-triple check your plans, especially if they're delivered verbally. Remember the carpenter's creed: measure twice, cut once. You might find yourself writing or speaking about the material world very intensely, and your awareness of the five sense will be heightened, making you a food, music and architecture critic. Try to reserve judgement because you might not have all the information you need to play expert.

Scorpio: With so much confusion surrounding the communication aspects of your leadership and attitude sector, you could turn into General Patton if you're not careful. We know how little you Scorpions like to show your hand, so be very, very careful not to misinterpret some information and get angry-- we all know a Scorpio in a snit is kind of a scary phenomenon to behold, and you'll be taking down the names of all witnesses-- *spoooooky*...

Sagittarius: You might find yourself peering intensely into your inner fantasy-world, and speaking of it accordingly. Some issues might cloud true understanding, however, so if a revelation comes, wait till November 17 to act on it. Start a dream journal and enjoy keeping it private for once-- anything you write during this period will be expressed in a highly emotional, if fragmented way. Don't be sarcastic, it just isn't in your nature, so resist the temptation-- it will be fleeting.

Capricorn: If you're involved with a club or teamwork of any kind, avoid getting sarcastic when you speak to the people surrounding you, or holding some secret info over their heads. You might find yourself re-evaluating channels of protocol at work, especially the written and spoken kind. This is a great time to do so, but wait till November 17 to move forward with any plans to institute changes. Don't play around with anything electricity-related or rely on it to work flawlessly when it comes down to a critical work deadline or a presentation of any kind. Have a back-up plan.

Aquarius: You'll be setting boundaries with your speech, but don't get mad with power and start barking orders. You might be tempted to speak like a conservative authoritarian, as weird as that is to you. So DON'T DO IT!!! The fact is, some electronic equipment you rely on on might get haywire or your flight could be cancelled, and you'll be left holding the bag. Allow some wiggle room in the way you communicate with people and don't be so uptight.

Pisces: If you're traveling or exploring a new culture, try not to be cynical. And make room for some unexpected changes in your plans. Try to roll with it and don't play detective too seriously-- you probably won't have all the information you need to make an informed judgement about the situation till after November 17. The big picture might start to get intense, so wait a minute before you start talking about becoming overlord of all you survey.



Retrogrades are Normal! Don't Panic!

With the communication planet Mercury retrograde until November 17th, and mighty Mars set to start its 2 1/2 month rx cycle on the 15th, I think it's an excellent time to discuss precisely what the term “planetary retrograde” means in the first place.

When a planet is said to go retrograde the event is, in physical reality, an illusion. No planet ever actually stops dead on its axis, starts spinning backward through the sky, hovers motionless again and then reverses itself back to its original state, but it certainly APPEARS to do so. So is the requisite fuss about retrograde cycles making us agitated or introspective, etc. all just much ado about nothing, or worse yet, by reporting these rx's and giving them validity are we perpetuating a false misconception? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Think of it this way:

Imagine you're in an art museum, looking at a portrait by Rembrandt. The eyes of the subject are intense, captivating, shining, hypnotic and staring directly at you, the observer. As you move onto the other paintings, you occasionally look over and, to your growing sense of unease, you notice the eyes of the figure in the Rembrandt seem to follow you wherever you go. You begin to feel that you are the one being observed. You know this phenomenon is an optical illusion, but IT STILL MAKES YOU FEEL UNEASY.

Anyone with a human heart can recognize that, sometimes, things our logical minds regard as illusions in the material sense still intensely influence us emotionally and/or spiritually. It's silly to term these illusory notions stupid or nullify them as mere superstitions when they can affect our lives in very real ways. After all, in the language of feelings, perception IS reality.

One more thing about retrogrades: they are normal. They're not weird, scary aberrations that should be weathered like a tornado, with your emotions, plans and physical possessions on lock down or in a holding-pattern. Rather, they are regular fixtures on the cosmic scene and happen quite regularly. In fact, since every single planet in our solar system except the Sun and Moon has a retrograde cycle, just roll with these happenings much as possible and listen to your instincts. It'll all work out fine, I promise.

