Saturday, November 24, 2007

Revelations of the "True Solar Zodiac"-- Are We All Wrong?!

The current Solar Zodiac we use is terribly out-dated. It was popularized by Ptolemy, classical Greece's most prominent astrologer/astronomer (remember, the two were once one science) thousands of years ago, and hasn't taken into account the fact that every 70 years or so, the astrological calendar advances one full day, and the stars shift position in the night sky as we observe it here on Earth. This is commonly known as "The movement of the Ages". It happens by seemingly infinitesimal degrees, but the cumulative affect on the sky as we see it is very real indeed.

In case you're wondering, everything in astrology is calculated and presented this way-- the celestial lay of the land and planetary transits as they appear from our Earth-bound vantage point. With this in mind, what could be more fundamentally important than the accuracy of the actual map of the stars we use? Everything, astrologically speaking, depends on it so completely!!!

Remember, since they were originaly published around A.D 150, Ptolemy's celestial theories and calculations have been updated, disproven, etc (remember this is the man who staunchly believed the Sun revolved around the Earth). However, astrology's calendar hasn't changed one iota.


Skeptics say it's because astrology is rooted in superstition, not science. In this respect, I actually agree.

If we take into account the aforementioned "Movement of the Ages", the Zodiac's true calendar would include the constellation of Ophiuchus, omitted from the Zodiac by Ptolemy and neglected ever-after for the sake of tradition and convenience. The only "Sun Sign" not included in our current Zodiac, Ophiuchus's span is currently assigned to Scorpio (whose constellation only contains the Sun for 7 days, otherwise!) so we have an astrological calendar of 12 months to neatly match the Gregorian one we use. I'll talk about Ophiuchus in more detail soon. I'm including it here, in the True Solar Zodiac most famously proposed by Dr. Shepherd Simpson:

Pisces: March 12-April 18
Aries: April 19- May 13
Taurus: May 14- June 19
Gemini: June 20- July 20
Cancer: July 21- August 9
Leo: August 10- September 15
Virgo: September 16- October 30
Libra: October 31- November 22
Scorpio: November 23-November 29
Ophiuchus:November 30- December 17
Sagittarius: December 18- January 18
Capricorn: January 19- February 15
Aquarius: February 16-March 11

Kind of mind-blowing, isn't it? By this calendar, the vast majority of us believe ourselves to be natives of the wrong sign. Astrologers are either none the wiser, in disagreement, or intentionally turning a blind eye to the possibilities proposed by such a radically amended 13-house system and amended astrological calendar. Frankly, I'm still figuring it all out.

Food for thought, isn't it?



Seven Days of Scorpio: Demotion, Tribute or Simple Truth?

One more love letter to Scorpio...

In western astrology, we observe the month of Scorpio from October 24-November 22 (mas or menos a day depending on the year). However, did you know the Sun only transits the Constellation of Scorpius for 7 days a year? It is the smallest constellation in the Zodiac; however, for the sake of convention and convenience, we omit its neighboring constellation, Ophiuchus the Sepent Bearer (the ONLY constellation of the Solar or Lunar Zodiac we don't use in modern western astrology) and assign its yearly span to tiny Scorpio.

However, when one takes into account the "Movement of the Ages" and Scorpio's true, small size, the truth is this: the actual timeline of the Sun's yearly transit through the CONSTELLATION of Scorpio vs the one which we currently observe-- its corresponding SIGN (ie what is traditionally, arbitrarily held to be "Scorpio time" in accordance with the now out-of-whack calculations of the Greeks thousands of years ago)-- has no overlap at all. NONE!!!

This means true Scorpios are born between November 23-29th.

This is particularly interesting when combined with the recent demotion of Scorpio's ruling planet, Pluto, (remember, Scorpios used to be governed by Mars before Pluto was discovered, and are often stlll considered to be co-ruled by Mars) to "dwarf planet" status by astronomers, because it's so much smaller than Earth, Venus, etc. See October's "Who Rules Scorpio" post for more info.

I wonder if Scorpios who are aware of these facts feel they are getting a cut in astrological/planetary status? I doubt it.

I actually think the opposit is more likely to be true. Scorpios are the most compelling, hypnotic personalities in the Zodiac. True Scorpions are uncommon because they truly ought to be-- otherwise, they would radically dominate the rest of us... more than they already do, that is. In that respect it makes perfect astrological sense that the "planet" Pluto and Constellation of Scorpius happen to be smaller than the others, for, as everyone knows:

It's not the size of the Scorpion that counts, it's the power of his or her sting.

It's a shame most of them think they are Sagittarians!!!!!!!



Sunday, November 4, 2007

Full steam ahead, Mercury is direct!

Every aspect of communication and travel will go more smoothly for all of us now that the planet of communication, Mercury, has gone direct. Now that the retrograde cycle has ended, book those plane tickets with total confidence and email your boss without adding the extra bullet-points, for your words, whether written or spoken, won't be misunderstood any longer.

Sometimes the chaos speedy little Mercury inspires can lead to breakthroughs while it's retrograde, so act on any revelatory lightning-bolts or blasts from the past that blew your mind since October 11. They'll point you in the right direction for some brand-new, exciting developments, especially if they involve romantic or business partnerships. Do it now!



Thursday, November 1, 2007

Scorpio and Aries: A Long, Fatal Love Chase

I was talking to a Scorpio girl friend of mine last night, who used to be engaged to a charismatic Aries man I know well. It inspired me to write about the dramatic, often fatalistic relationship between Aries and Scorpio, who traditionally share the influence of the fiery warrior planet Mars (see previous post):

Aries man and Scorpio woman:

Every Aries man walks a fine line between being an idealistic warrior and a charming, sometimes petulant child. At best, this childlike innocence will be manna for the hungry soul of the more jaded Scorpio woman, who has been so frightfully aware of the big, bad world and its chaos and evil all her life. At worst, she'll feel like she's baby-sitting. An Aries can never seem to recognize corruption (especially in himself) until he's been badly damaged by it. He'll think every bad break comes out of the blue, while his Scorpio lover has probably seen it approaching the whole time, warning him in ways he considers defeatist, until she learns to keep her silence while watching another menacing shadow grow taller and more inevitable. Like Cassandra, her prophecies will go unheeded, and she'll get tired of bailing him out of the same old situations.

In return, an Aries man will appreciate the perceptive eye of his Scorpio mate, who seems to know his secrets and keeps him on a short leash (a respite his independent nature sometimes secretly craves-- to stop calling the shots for awhile and let someone else take control is bliss as long as nobody else has to know). She represents service to him, and is usually a better problem-solver when it comes to money and practical matters, something he appreciates whole-heartedly. His faith will help her through her bouts of self-doubt, while her powerful, sometimes dark sexual magnetism will captivate him and bring out a slightly submissive side he's never experienced. However sweet she may seem on the outside, a Scorpio woman has an inner dominatrix just waiting to emerge. When he starts asking her unreasonable favors, she may begin to feel used. He won't understand this suspicious resentment-- everyone else falls all over themselves trying to help him, so why doesn't she? Callous he may sometimes be, but malicious? Never while he truly loves her. Unfortunately, she doesn't really believe in that kind of love anymore, unless she's still in fourth grade. Even then, it's doubtful.

She can be very jealous, and since he lives to surround himself with admirers (he can't live happily without being lauded, and does everything he can to be memorable) she will probably sting him with a Scorpion tongue-lashing he might not forgive. He's insensitive as only a self-obsessed child can be, and possesses approximately five emotions, while she probably has five hundred on a given day. Ultimately, this is an intense relationship built for drama rather than longevity. If the rising and Moon signs are compatible there's more hope, but don't be surprised if things go Sid and Nancy all at once.

Scorpio man and Aries woman

From the moment a Scorpio man spies an Aries woman he desires, it's all over. However independent she is, he can make her docile and even startling submissive, and she'll will turn from Ram to lamb in record time. He represents sex, corruption and regeneration-- all the things her mother warned her about and she's managed to avoid-- until now, that is. The Scorpio man's secret is that he sees her innocence and knows how to skillfully manipulate such a guileless creature. An Aries lives by her instincts, while a Scorpio's only motivation is power and control. It's a contest no Aries can ever win. If the Aries woman maintains her virtue with a Scorpio man, she will become even more attractive to him-- after all, so few women can resist him that one who does is a valuable rarity.

The way an Aries woman unconsciously flirts with every man (and possibly woman) in the tri-state area will test his patience and provoke his ire. After the novelty of Scorpio displeasure wears off (he might even scare her a little bit, something she actually enjoys, much to his dismay) she'll wonder why he is so suspicious all the time. The truth is, having so often indulged in earthly pleasures and induced others to do the same, a Scorpio's frame of reference is much different than an Aries'. She'll explain that virtue is safest in a den of iniquity, while he'll only agree if its his den and his iniquity that she's talking about. In turn, she'll be shocked to discover how many other woman he attracts. In her heart, she'll start to wonder if a more worldly woman might be able to reciprocate a more satisfying (to him) measure of the dark sexuality she can only receive from her Scorpio man.

Power struggles could arise, and if she makes him look foolish in public he may forgive, but, like any true Scorpio, he will never forget. Additionally, her once-charmingly refreshing healthful habits could start to seem sanctimonious, especially if, in true Aries style, she tries to steamroll him into giving up some of his vices. It'll never happen.

Sexually, he will have a hypnotic hold on her, for every Aries woman is an enthusiastic, yet naive lover who relishes the novelty of being her Scorpio's prey, rather than his peer. However, the long run of romance with an Aries usually ends in the short run, while all Scorpios crave a love that is eternal. Eventually, his emotional vortex will start to seem like the self-destructive spinning of wheels to her, and the first time she realizes that he makes her feel dirty will probably be the start of the end. If they have extremely compatible Moon and ascendant signs, marriage is a possibility, but most Aries-Scorpio romances never make it to the altar, unless you're talking about the sacrificial kind.



Mars, Pluto, Which Planet Rules Scorpio, Anyway?

In further celebration of the astrological month of Scorpio, I'd like to clear the air re: its true ruling planet.

Since Pluto (chosen in the modern era to replace Mars as the governing planet of Scorpio) got demoted to "dwarf planet" status a little over a year ago, a little bit of debate and a whole lof of confusion has arisen regarding which heavenly body truly rules Scorpio. As a concession to its former role, many traditional astrologers still consider Mars the co-ruler of Scorpio, although Pluto has been "officially" on the books as its primary guardian for decades. The thing is, since no one really likes the thought of powerful Scorpio being ruled by a suddenly second-rate planet (apparently Pluto was originally assumed to be much larger than it actually is, thus the cut-back in status), there's been an re-emergence of astrology articles focusing exclusively on Mars as Scorpio's native ruler. So who's right?

The Scorpios are, of course.

Since scientists are still debating about Pluto and its categorization (many profesional astronomers are still holding out for an entirely new definition for it), it's up to those born under the sign of the Scorpion to choose which planet they like best, and then tell the rest of us. Astrology is very subjective, and never truly answers to a single governing body, etc., so if you're a Scorpio, decide for yourself. You know you like to make the rules, anyway. We'll eventually do as you wish, like always.



PS Personally, I consider Scorpios totally anomalous-- they rule the 8th house of death, so, like the many different realms of the dead (heaven, hell, purgatory or categorcally-amorphous Buddhist Nirvana), the other-worldly land of Scorpio is truly a province unto itself. Planets may beam their influence upon those of us who dwell on the surface of the earth, but the true domain of Scorpio is far underground-- somewhere between the deepest, darkest part of the ocean and the fiery, molten core of the earth.