Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Retrogrades are Normal! Don't Panic!

With the communication planet Mercury retrograde until November 17th, and mighty Mars set to start its 2 1/2 month rx cycle on the 15th, I think it's an excellent time to discuss precisely what the term “planetary retrograde” means in the first place.

When a planet is said to go retrograde the event is, in physical reality, an illusion. No planet ever actually stops dead on its axis, starts spinning backward through the sky, hovers motionless again and then reverses itself back to its original state, but it certainly APPEARS to do so. So is the requisite fuss about retrograde cycles making us agitated or introspective, etc. all just much ado about nothing, or worse yet, by reporting these rx's and giving them validity are we perpetuating a false misconception? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Think of it this way:

Imagine you're in an art museum, looking at a portrait by Rembrandt. The eyes of the subject are intense, captivating, shining, hypnotic and staring directly at you, the observer. As you move onto the other paintings, you occasionally look over and, to your growing sense of unease, you notice the eyes of the figure in the Rembrandt seem to follow you wherever you go. You begin to feel that you are the one being observed. You know this phenomenon is an optical illusion, but IT STILL MAKES YOU FEEL UNEASY.

Anyone with a human heart can recognize that, sometimes, things our logical minds regard as illusions in the material sense still intensely influence us emotionally and/or spiritually. It's silly to term these illusory notions stupid or nullify them as mere superstitions when they can affect our lives in very real ways. After all, in the language of feelings, perception IS reality.

One more thing about retrogrades: they are normal. They're not weird, scary aberrations that should be weathered like a tornado, with your emotions, plans and physical possessions on lock down or in a holding-pattern. Rather, they are regular fixtures on the cosmic scene and happen quite regularly. In fact, since every single planet in our solar system except the Sun and Moon has a retrograde cycle, just roll with these happenings much as possible and listen to your instincts. It'll all work out fine, I promise.



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