Monday, October 29, 2007

The seductive Scorpio man, explained.

Ah, Scorpio.

A Gemini man may amuse you with child-like charm and a Libra may gracefully disarm you, but Scorpio is, hands down, the Zodiac's most irresistible sorcerer of seduction. Scorpio men invariably perceive the strengths and insecurities people keep hidden, which makes a lot of sense since Pluto, their ruling planet, is named for the Roman God of Hades or the Underworld. The unseen is their native territory. Therefore, the classic myth that best reflects the ideal Scorpio love story is "The Abduction of Persephone", in which Pluto plays a leading role (forgive me for mixing the Gods' Greek and Roman names, I'm just using the astrologically relevant choices).

It goes like this:

Persephone, the young goddess of springtime, played innocently in the meadows all day, leading a life of purity and sweetness unrivaled by any other Divine being in the pantheon. She planned on maintaining her status as a virgin goddess like her sisters Athena and Artemis; to live peacefully with her mother Demeter forever was her only wish. However, Zeus and Venus conspired to make Pluto, a bachelor intensely devoted only to his dark dominion, fall passionately in love with Persephone. He snared her with a particularly beautiful flower and secretly caried her off against her will, seducing her with his power, wealth and influence in his sphere, which, hidden though it was, comprised a third of the world. She became his wife and prisoner until her mother raised such a fuss that Persephone had to be sent back, lest Demeter (Goddess of the harvest) trap the earth in perpetual winter. Before he released her, Pluto used all his hypnotic charm to induce her to eat the seeds of a pomegranate, thereby insuring her return. Whether she knew eating them would bind her to him is a matter of debate, but the end result was that she was irrevocably forced to return to him 3 months a year, forever. While Demeter grieves during her absence the earth experiences the barren season of winter, and Persephone's joyful return heralds spring. What she does during those months spent alone with Pluto in that velvety darkness is, however, is anyone's guess.

If this story makes your heart beat wildly, you can successfully love a Scorpio man. If it freaks you out, look elsewhere. Another fictitious, ideal Scorpio man is Edward Rochester, the tortured, intense lover of Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte's classic novel. His Scorpio view of morality is very evident is this passage:

"Since happiness is irrevocably denied me, I have a right to get pleasure out of life: and I will get it, cost what it may.”

“Then you will degenerate still more, sir.”

“Possibly: yet why should I, if I can get sweet, fresh pleasure? And I may get it as sweet and fresh as the wild honey the bee gathers on the moor.”

“It will sting—it will taste bitter, sir.”

“How do you know?—you never tried it."

Later, on their ill-fated wedding day:

"My hand was held by a grasp of iron: I was hurried along by a stride I could hardly follow; and to look at Mr. Rochester’s face was to feel that not a second of delay would be tolerated for any purpose. I wonder what other bridegroom ever looked as he did—so bent up to a purpose, so grimly resolute: or who, under such steadfast brows, ever revealed such flaming and flashing eyes."

Scorpio power is invariably like a clenched fist. Psychological brass knuckles may be involved (the Scorpio man believes in vegeance and planning ahead), but he'll never strike wildly. Remember that if you're foolishly thinking of toying with the affections of one of these formidable men.

If he's seducing you, he'll never show his hand too early in your passion play. He'll penetrate your soul with his mesmerizing gaze and make you believe anything he says. Is it true? Well, that's for him to know and you to never find out, if he has anything to say about it. However, if you enjoy being intimately aquainted with a passonate lover who keeps you guessing forever, Scorpio is your man. Just don't be surprised if he guesses all of *your* secrets. It's his specialty.



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